October 9, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Tragedy Strikes in Alexandria: Egyptian Police Officer Shoots Israeli Tourists Amidst Escalating Regional Tensions

Alexandria, Shooting,
Egyptian police vehicles at the site where the attack took place.

Unraveling the Tragedy in Alexandria: Israeli Tourists Targeted Amidst Regional Unrest

An unfortunate incident unfolded in Alexandria, Egypt, when an Egyptian police officer opened fire on a group of Israeli tourists and their Egyptian guide. The tragic incident occurred against the backdrop of escalating hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militants, adding to the already tense situation in the region.

The police officer seemingly fired indiscriminately at the Israeli tour group using his personal weapon, as reported by the state-affiliated private television channel, Extra News, citing a security source. This horrifying act resulted in the loss of two Israeli citizens’ lives and their Egyptian guide, while another individual sustained injuries. The police officer responsible for the shooting was promptly apprehended.

The Israeli foreign ministry confirmed these distressing casualties, issuing a statement that conveyed the grim news. “Earlier today, while a group of Israeli tourists was visiting Alexandria, Egypt, a local individual opened fire on them, tragically claiming the lives of two Israeli citizens and their Egyptian guide. Furthermore, one Israeli tourist sustained injuries and is currently in moderate condition, as reported by the ministry.”

In the wake of this tragic incident, Israel’s national security council issued a cautionary advisory to its citizens, particularly those considering travel abroad, especially within the Middle East. This advisory stems from concerns about a potential increase in motivation among terror groups and lone assailants targeting Israelis abroad. Visitors already in Egypt were urged to leave as swiftly as possible to ensure their safety.

The Egyptian authorities had not yet issued an official statement regarding the attack on the tourists at the time of this report.

These distressing events took place amid ongoing hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militants. The situation escalated when Palestinian militants launched a multi-pronged attack on Israel the day before, prompting Israel to declare war on the Hamas movement and initiate airstrikes on Gaza.

Egypt, historically, has played a significant role in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It was the first Arab country to establish a peace agreement with Israel in 1979 and has acted as a mediator between the two parties over the years.

Israeli tourists have been known to visit Egypt regularly. However, despite the diplomatic relations between the two nations, Israel remains a polarizing figure in Egyptian public opinion.

This unfortunate incident is not the first of its kind. In June, three Israeli soldiers lost their lives in a skirmish at the border with Egypt. The incident occurred when a member of the Egyptian security forces crossed the border in pursuit of drug traffickers, according to the Egyptian army.

As this situation unfolds, it is a stark reminder of the delicate balance and longstanding tensions that persist in the region. The Egyptian president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, had previously warned of the potential for a “vicious cycle of tensions threatening regional stability and security.” The events in Alexandria only serve to underscore these concerns.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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