September 19, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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A Black student suspended for his locs hair style in Texas may involve Child Protective Services

Dr. Candice Matthews, Darryl George, and Darresha George.

Hair Discrimination:

Darryl George faces suspension in Texas school due to his locs’ length.

His lawyer warns of Child Protective Services involvement.

His mother reveals he endures eight hours on a stool, impacting both his back and education.

The George family and their unwavering supporters are standing firm in their resolve. Darryl George, a Texas high school student at Barbers Hill High School, has found himself at the center of a controversy involving his choice of hairstyle, specifically, his locs hairstyle. But this isn’t just about hair; it’s about identity, culture, and a young man’s connection to his roots.

“Darryl’s hair is spiritual; his hair is a connection to his ancestors. His hair is a connection to God,” passionately asserted Matthews, one of the vocal supporters of the George family. She went on to explain that not only is Darryl’s hair significant to him personally, but it also carries the legacy of his dad, stepdad, and brother, all interwoven in those beautiful locs. Cutting his hair, as the school authorities demanded, would mean severing these vital connections.

Despite the immense pressure and emotional toll this situation has taken on Darryl, he remains resolute. Darresha George, Darryl’s mother, shed light on the toll this battle has taken on her son. “He’s going to keep fighting, but it’s tearing him down,” she said, with a deep concern for her child’s well-being. “He’s up every night. He has tears in his eyes every day. He’s emotionally and physically drained behind this.”

This isn’t just a matter of a dress code policy or school regulations; it’s a matter of culture, identity, and the right to express oneself. Darryl George’s choice of locs is deeply rooted in his cultural heritage, and it’s a reflection of who he is. The Crown Act, a law designed to protect against hair discrimination, has made significant strides in recognizing the importance of respecting individuals’ choices when it comes to their hair.

Representative Dennis Paul, who has been following the George family’s ordeal closely, voiced his concerns about the school’s actions. He emphasized, “Education should nurture growth and inclusion, not alienate or discriminate against students.”

The George family’s battle against hair discrimination isn’t just about one student; it’s about challenging a broader issue of racial discrimination and bias in schools. The pain and anguish Darryl George has endured, both emotionally and physically, serve as a stark reminder that there is much work to be done in creating inclusive and respectful school environments.

While the fight continues, Darryl George remains steadfast in his determination to preserve his identity, culture, and the deeply spiritual connection he feels through his locs. And his family and supporters are right there with him, refusing to back down in the face of adversity.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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