September 13, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Popular Florida beach: Shark bites South Carolina surfer’s face

‘Like a crunch’: Surfer bitten in the face by shark at New Smyrna Beach speaks out

Surfing Safety and Shark Bite Awareness

A sunny day at the beautiful New Smyrna beach in Florida turned into a heart-stopping ordeal for a 38-year-old surfer hailing from South Carolina. In a shocking incident that sent chills down everyone’s spine, this adventurous boarder fell victim to a shark bite right on his face.

The grim episode unfolded around 7:50 a.m. on a serene Tuesday morning, as the surfer was riding the waves at this popular Florida beach, located to the east of Orlando. Volusia Beach Safety officials swiftly confirmed the harrowing news to the reporter in Orlando.

As the surfer caught a wave and took the plunge, a shark emerged from the depths, sinking its teeth into the right side of his face, just above his cheek. The exact species of the shark responsible for the attack remains a mystery, as officials did not provide this crucial detail.

Thankfully, the victim’s injuries were deemed non-life-threatening, a small silver lining in this terrifying encounter. Promptly, he was rushed to a nearby local hospital for medical attention, where he would receive the necessary care and support to recover from the shock.

Shark bite, Florida Beach, South Carolina surfer,
This image released by Discovery Channel shows a shark breaking through the water in a scene from “Shark Lockdown.” (Discovery Channel via AP/File)

This alarming event is the most recent addition to a series of shark bites in the Shark Bite Capital of the World, New Smyrna Beach. Over the Labor Day weekend, two other individuals experienced close encounters with these oceanic predators.

A 37-year-old woman, enjoying the shallow waters at Ponce Inlet, fell victim to a shark’s bite on her right foot. She was wading in waist-deep water when the attack occurred but confessed that she didn’t catch a glimpse of the stealthy shark responsible for the incident. Volusia County Beach Safety officials verified the occurrence for the reporter.

The second victim during the holiday weekend was a man in his 30s. He encountered a shark near the Ponce Inlet Jetty, resulting in a bite on his left hand. Surprisingly, he declined immediate medical attention at the scene, opting to transport himself to the hospital.

These incidents serve as stark reminders of the unpredictable nature of the ocean and its inhabitants. While shark bites are relatively rare, they do happen, emphasizing the importance of beachgoers staying vigilant and adhering to safety guidelines. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and local safety authorities continue to monitor the situation and offer guidance to ensure the safety of all those who flock to Florida’s pristine shores for leisure and adventure.

By: M Z Hossain, Digital Journalist

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