October 16, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Scoop: US Deploys 2nd Aircraft Carrier to Eastern Mediterranean

Israel-Palestine war: US to move second aircraft carrier to Mediterranean

US Second Aircraft Carrier Heads to Eastern Mediterranean

The USS Eisenhower is set to rendezvous with the USS Ford in the vicinity of Israel, as per the Pentagon’s directive. This move, aimed at dissuading Iran or Hezbollah from involvement in the Israel-Hamas conflict, involves the deployment of a second aircraft carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean, according to sources within the U.S. government.

In line with this strategy, a high-ranking U.S. official, along with another U.S. official, has informed ABC News that the USS Eisenhower carrier strike group will receive orders to head to the eastern Mediterranean and join forces with the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group. The latter had recently arrived in international waters off the coast of Israel earlier in the week.

“In an official statement, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has issued the directive for the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group (CSG) to commence its relocation to the Eastern Mediterranean. This decision forms part of our concerted efforts to discourage any hostile actions against Israel and to prevent the escalation of the conflict that followed Hamas’s attack on Israel.”

Senior U.S. officials, publicly addressing the situation this week, have clarified that the presence of the USS Ford carrier strike group in the eastern Mediterranean and the bolstering of U.S. Air Force fighter jet assets in the region serve as clear demonstrations of the United States’ unwavering commitment to Israel. Furthermore, they act as a robust deterrent, sending a message to Iran and Hezbollah to refrain from involvement in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Aircraft Carrier,
US Second Aircraft Carrier Heads to Eastern Mediterranean

The reinforced posture was designed to unequivocally manifest U.S. commitment to supporting Israel’s defense, transcending mere rhetoric and translating into tangible actions. Simultaneously, it delivers a strong deterrent message to Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, and other regional proxies that may be contemplating capitalizing on the current situation to escalate tensions,” emphasized a senior U.S. defense official on Monday. “These adversaries would be wise to reconsider their actions.”

The addition of the Eisenhower to the Ford strengthens the display of military might, reinforcing the message of deterrence.

A third U.S. official has informed ABC News that the Pentagon is also contemplating the possibility of deploying the USS Bataan amphibious assault ship closer to Israel to offer supplementary support as required. CNN was the first to report on the consideration of deploying the ship and its rotary aircraft during its Middle East deployment.

The Eisenhower strike group set sail from Norfolk, Virginia, on a prearranged deployment route that was originally scheduled to lead it to the Middle East via the Mediterranean Sea, where it was slated to engage in previously planned exercises within the U.S. European Command’s jurisdiction.

The impending deployment had sparked conjecture regarding the possibility of it joining the USS Ford in the eastern Mediterranean. However, the Pentagon’s official statement only confirmed that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin would “persist in evaluating the deployment plans for both the Eisenhower and Ford as he assesses the optimal allocation of maritime capabilities across different theaters in support of national security priorities.”

The Eisenhower strike group consists of the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower, alongside the guided missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58) and the guided missile destroyers USS Laboon (DDG-58), USS Mason (DDG-87), and USS Gravely (DDG-107).

On Tuesday, the USS Ford strike group entered the waters of the eastern Mediterranean. Alongside the carrier, this group comprises the cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), as well as the destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116), USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS Carney (DDG 64), and USS Roosevelt (DDG 80).

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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