October 10, 2023

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Declares Independent Run for President: Shaking Up the Two-Party System

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speaks during a campaign event at Independence Mall, on October 9, 2023, in Philadelphia.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Bold Move: Exiting Democratic Primary and Challenging the Status Quo in a Closely Contested General Election

Renowned environmental lawyer and former Democratic presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., made a surprising announcement on Monday, declaring his independent candidacy for the presidency of the United States. This unexpected move effectively ended his bid to challenge President Joe Biden in the Democratic primary, opting instead for a less conventional general election run.

Speaking in Philadelphia, Kennedy expressed his intent to run as an independent candidate, marking a significant shift in his political journey. The decision comes after weeks of speculation about his future in the 2024 race. Reports emerged earlier this year that Kennedy had met with the chair of the Libertarian Party, sparking discussions around their shared beliefs. Last week, a super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign released poll results, gauging his strength in a hypothetical three-way race involving Biden and former President Donald Trump.

In the coming weeks, Kennedy’s campaign plans to organize events in Texas, Florida, and Georgia, with a promise to travel extensively in the lead-up to the general election in November 2024. The campaign team expressed confidence in securing ballot access in every state, a critical requirement for any independent candidate.

Independent and third-party candidates have historically faced challenges in garnering significant support in presidential elections. Notable exceptions include Ross Perot’s 1992 independent presidential campaign, which earned him 8% of the general election vote. However, Kennedy remains undeterred by the odds, expressing optimism about his chances. In his own words, “Today, we turn a new page in American politics. There have been independent candidates in this country before, but this time it’s going to be different. Because this time, the independent is gonna win.”

Mark Gorton, co-founder of American Values 2024, the super PAC backing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign, emphasized the importance of proving viability to voters by consistently increasing poll support. He believes that achieving at least mid-to-high 30s in polling figures a year from now is crucial for Kennedy to be viewed as a credible contender. Gorton is optimistic about their prospects, suggesting that gaining 1% to 1.5% of the electorate each month is an achievable goal.

Kennedy’s decision to run as an independent adds an additional layer of complexity to an already anticipated closely contested general election. A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, featuring a hypothetical three-way race among Biden, Trump, and Kennedy, indicated that 14% of likely voters supported Kennedy, with 40% supporting Trump and 38% supporting Biden. However, with over a year remaining until the general election, it remains uncertain whether Kennedy can translate this level of support into actual votes in November 2024. Kennedy has expressed his hope to appeal to both Biden and Trump supporters, though critics argue that his candidacy might siphon votes away from the major party candidates.

In response to Kennedy’s announcement, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung criticized him for his positions on various issues, including China, guns, the environment, and abortion. Cheung characterized Kennedy’s candidacy as a “vanity project” and accused him of exploiting his family’s name for political gain. Trump’s allies have reportedly been preparing opposition research against Kennedy, aiming to paint him as a liberal masquerading as a conservative due to his background as an environmental activist.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. initially entered the presidential race in April, with the goal of challenging Biden in the Democratic primary. He made frequent visits to early primary states such as New Hampshire and South Carolina. However, his efforts failed to gain significant traction among Democratic primary voters, as evidenced by a CNN/University of New Hampshire poll released in September, which showed only 9% of likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire supporting Kennedy.

The Republican National Committee also weighed in on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s announcement, characterizing him as “just another radical, far-left Democrat.” Kennedy, who comes from a prominent Democratic family as the son of former US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, faced criticism from some of his siblings. They issued a joint statement expressing concern about his decision to run against Biden in the general election, deeming it “dangerous to our country.”

Acknowledging his family’s deep-rooted history with the Democratic Party, Kennedy admitted that disavowing the party was a painful decision. Nevertheless, he expressed a desire to challenge the two-party system, which he believes has failed to provide Americans with viable presidential options. Kennedy criticized Biden’s age and competency and highlighted Trump’s ongoing legal issues as symptoms of a corrupt political process. In his words, “That’s what two-party politics has given us, and that’s why we need to pry loose from the hammerlock of the corrupt powers in Washington, DC, and make this nation ours again.”

Kennedy’s announcement was met with warm support from his Philadelphia audience, especially when he outlined his plans for a “tamper-proof election system” and emphasized expanding voting rights. He also called for a de-escalation of tensions with Russia, reflecting his staunch anti-war stance. Notably, Kennedy did not address the recent violence between Israel and Hamas during his remarks. However, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a friend and informal adviser to Kennedy, spoke about the conflict and called for a moment of silence for the victims in Israel. When questioned about Kennedy’s omission regarding Israel and Hamas, Boteach defended the candidate, asserting that his presence at the event spoke volumes about his stance on Israel.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s lack of mention of Israel’s conflict with Hamas followed previous criticism he faced from Jewish groups in July when he made erroneous claims about “Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese” people and their immunity to Covid-19. Kennedy vehemently denied accusations of antisemitism stemming from those remarks.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., with no prior public office experience, has nonetheless garnered support from a small but dedicated group of followers who resonate with his advocacy against public health mandates and the influence of money in politics. Kennedy is the founder of Children’s Health Defense, an organization known for spreading anti-vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories. Attendees at Monday’s event in Philadelphia came from across the ideological spectrum, with conservatives, liberals, and independents all expressing varying levels of support for Kennedy.

Walter Rodriguez, a New Jersey teacher who identifies as an independent, commended Kennedy’s energy and resonance with his own values, stating that Kennedy’s independent candidacy was the right path forward. Karl Hagstrom, a former Trump supporter, also voiced his intention to support Kennedy in 2024, citing a desire for a unifying figure in contrast to Trump’s divisive style. Similarly, Sarah Shulman, a practicing pediatrician, expressed her support for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., emphasizing his anti-corruption message and stance on vaccines as appealing qualities. Shulman, who voted for Biden in 2020, feels that Kennedy speaks to the compassionate and caring aspects of liberalism, which she identifies with.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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