October 16, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Poland’s Election Showdown: Democracy vs. Division

Poland's Election,
A woman votes during Poland’s parliamentary election at a polling station in the village of Gluchow

Poland’s Election: A Nation at the Crossroads

The dominant conservative nationalist party faces off against an opposition that alleges the government of undermining democratic principles.

Poland is currently engaged in a pivotal election set to have a substantial influence on the nation’s domestic and international agendas.

On Sunday, citizens went to the polls, and voting is scheduled to conclude at 9 pm local time (19:00 GMT). With nearly 30 million eligible voters, the anticipated turnout is predicted to reach one of the highest levels in recent years.

The governing United Right (ZP) coalition, under the leadership of the nationalist conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, aspires to secure an extraordinary third term in power. Simultaneously, the opposition expresses concerns that this could potentially steer the country toward a path leading out of the European Union.

According to political analysts, if PiS falls short of attaining a majority, Poland might encounter a phase of political instability.

PiS has framed the election as a decision between safeguarding the country from unchecked migration, which it alleges its rivals endorse, and what it perceives as a gradual westernization that goes against Poland’s Catholic identity.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of PiS, addressed supporters at the party’s final campaign rally on Friday, emphasizing, “This election will determine whether Poland will be governed by its own people or by external influences from Berlin or Brussels.”

“In Skarzysko-Kamienna, a city nestled in PiS’s stronghold in southeastern Poland, it was emphasized that what should prevail is a competent and patriotic style of governance, one that rises above the cacophony of animosity and hostility often found in the media, which can influence those who are more susceptible.”

“Since assuming power in 2015, the party has faced allegations of undermining democratic checks and balances, politicizing the judiciary, exploiting state-owned media for its own messaging, and fostering prejudice against the LGBTQ+ community.”

“PiS refutes any wrongdoing and disavows any intention to exit the EU. It asserts that its reforms are designed to foster a fairer country and economy while eradicating the remaining traces of communism. The party has garnered support through its generous social welfare programs, which it contends rival political parties would discontinue.”

The primary rival, the liberal Civic Coalition (KO), led by former European Council president Donald Tusk, has centered its campaign around the promise to reverse PiS’s reforms, hold its leadership accountable, and resolve disputes with Brussels concerning democratic governance. Tusk affirms that his party would uphold social support.

“We must usher in change if we want to restore fundamental values like trust, accountability, and tolerance to a prominent place in public life,” emphasized Rafal Trzaskowski, the Mayor of Warsaw and a prominent KO representative, while addressing voters in Kalisz, located in central Poland, on Friday.

The outcome of these elections carries significance not only for the Polish people but also for decision-makers in the United States, across Europe, and particularly for Ukraine and Russia.

Poland has played a pivotal role in the Western response to the Russian incursion into Ukraine, providing Kyiv with German-manufactured Leopard 2 tanks and Polish MiG-29 fighters. Additionally, the nation has offered refuge to millions of Ukrainian refugees since the commencement of the conflict.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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