August 29, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Outrage in India as teacher tells students to slap a Muslim classmate

UP Teacher Asks Kids To Slap Muslim Student In Class, Sparks Controversy

Outrage in India as Teacher Encourages Students to Slap Muslim Classmate in Disturbing Video

In a deeply unsettling incident that has sparked widespread outrage across India, authorities are investigating a teacher after a video emerged showing her urging students to slap a 7-year-old Muslim classmate. The incident occurred in the Muzaffarnagar district of northern Uttar Pradesh, a state known for its religious diversity but also underlying communal tensions.

The distressing video portrays the young boy standing fearfully before his classmates, while the teacher instructs them to take turns slapping him. Heartbreakingly, the child cries as his peers comply, and the teacher, unsettlingly, insists they do it “properly.” A man’s laughter can be heard in the background as the slapping continues, intensifying the emotional toll on the boy.

According to Satyanarayan Prajapat, the superintendent of police in Muzaffarnagar, the teacher’s instruction to hit the boy stemmed from his alleged inability to recall his times tables. Shockingly, the teacher also invoked the boy’s religion, making derogatory remarks about Muslim students’ academic performance. The teacher’s statements added a troubling layer of discrimination to the incident, further fueling the outcry.

Law enforcement officials in the district have taken action, registering a case against the teacher and initiating an investigation. As of now, formal charges have not been brought against her. Moreover, district authorities have ordered the closure of the school where the incident occurred, Neha Public School in Khubbapur.

The boy’s father shared his son’s feelings of distress and fear in the aftermath of the incident. Although the child is now in a better state, he initially struggled to sleep and was left shocked by the experience. He has since been admitted to another school, emphasizing the importance of a safe and nurturing educational environment.

The incident has ignited widespread anger and sorrow throughout India, a nation renowned for its democratic values. The country’s largest political party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has come under scrutiny for promoting policies that have deepened communal tensions, leading to an atmosphere of fear and alienation among minority groups. Prominent opposition figure Rahul Gandhi condemned the incident, accusing the teacher of planting the seeds of discrimination in young minds. He urged the country to prioritize unity and love over hatred.

The BJP, while not directly responding to Gandhi’s comments, has maintained its commitment to equality for all citizens. Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself affirmed that discrimination has no place in India during a trip to the United States.

While Indian law lacks a specific definition of corporal punishment targeting children, physical and mental abuse are prohibited by the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. Despite this legal framework, incidents like these continue to highlight gaps in the protection of children’s rights.

The teacher involved in the incident offered a baffling explanation, claiming that the child’s father had asked for disciplinary action. She cited her own disability as the reason for involving other students in the punishment, rather than carrying it out herself.

India, Slapping Incident, Muslim Student, Teacher,
Indian teacher asks students to slap classmate who is Muslim at Uttar Pradesh school/CNN

The incident spotlights the escalating communal tensions in India, largely fueled by the divisive policies of the BJP. A study by economist Deepankar Basu revealed a concerning 786% rise in hate crimes against minority groups between 2014 and 2018, following the BJP’s election victory.

Uttar Pradesh, where this incident took place, stands as India’s most populous state, home to a diverse population with a substantial Muslim community. However, the state remains polarized, with its chief minister, Yogi Adityanath, known for his controversial remarks and Hindu-centric policies.

As this incident continues to reverberate across the nation, it prompts a larger conversation about the role of education in fostering inclusivity, understanding, and compassion among India’s diverse communities. It is a stark reminder that progress must be made to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for all students, regardless of their background or faith.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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