November 14, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Mike Johnson faces looming government shutdown test days before deadline

Mike Johnson,
House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, speaks at the U.S. Capitol on November 2, 2023.

Navigating Turbulence: House Speaker Mike Johnson’s Bid to Avert Government Shutdown Faces Critical Challenges

House Speaker Mike Johnson is encountering challenges in his efforts to prevent a government shutdown beyond November 17. With just four days remaining, Johnson’s two-step plan is facing resistance, particularly from his right-wing faction. Social media criticism and vows to vote against the plan from conservatives are putting Johnson in a position where he may need Democratic support to pass the bill before the approaching Friday deadline.

Republicans like Rep. Warren Davidson from Ohio express disappointment with the proposed short-term funding, criticizing its lack of reform in the Farm Bill and its maintenance of status quo policies and funding levels. Other conservatives, including influential Rep. Chip Roy, oppose the bill for funding Pelosi-level spending and policies for 75 days.

Adding to Johnson’s challenges, Democrats remain undecided on supporting the plan, raising the possibility that his first major legislative initiative may not clear the House. While some see the two-step plan as messy and unnecessary, others note that it avoids steep spending cuts, a red line for some lawmakers.

Johnson’s spending plan involves funding government agencies through mid-January for military, Veterans Affairs, transportation, housing and urban development, and energy and water. Funding for remaining agencies would expire on February 2. Democrats criticize this as a gimmick but recognize the time constraints and the divided control of Congress.

The Senate is considering a clean Continuing Resolution (CR) without the complexities of the two-step approach. However, concerns linger about the House process requiring separate budget negotiations on different dates.

Johnson faces a significant procedural vote challenge, with uncertainty about whether conservatives would support the rule. The House Rules Committee, including vocal opponent Rep. Chip Roy, will assess Johnson’s unconventional stop-gap bill on Monday.

During a private call, Johnson emphasized the lost time during the speaker’s race and argued that a short-term spending bill in two parts would provide Republicans with maximum leverage in future negotiations. He made it clear that if Democrats reject the plan, his alternative would be a year-long spending bill with cuts to non-defense programs.

House Republicans’ struggles to unify on spending, seen in the pulled bills last week, indicate potential challenges. Democrats argue that Republicans lack leverage in this budget fight. Rep. Rosa DeLauro criticizes Johnson’s approach as setting up a system that could lead to more shutdown showdowns.

While congressional Democrats remain cautious, the White House actively criticizes Johnson’s proposal, calling it “unserious” and a recipe for more Republican chaos. President Joe Biden’s stance on the bill remains unclear, with the White House expressing opposition.

As the Friday deadline approaches, attention turns to the briefing room podium, where national security adviser Jake Sullivan and press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre may address the administration’s position. Notably, the two-step continuing resolution does not include urgently needed funding for Israel or Ukraine, according to the White House. The situation is fluid, and the path to avoiding a government shutdown remains uncertain.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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