September 9, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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London’s Metropolitan Police Successfully Capture Escaped Terror Suspect Daniel Khalife

Escaped prisoner: Terror suspect Daniel Khalife arrested in Chiswick

An Elusive Escape and a Swift Capture: The Daniel Khalife Manhunt

London’s Metropolitan Police have brought an end to a three-day manhunt that had the nation on edge. The elusive fugitive, Daniel Khalife, who managed a daring escape from HMP Wandsworth on Wednesday, has been successfully apprehended, the force joyfully announced on Saturday.

In a statement that likely brought relief to many, the police revealed, “Metropolitan Police officers have arrested Daniel Khalife, who escaped from HMP Wandsworth on Wednesday 6 September.”

Khalife’s capture unfolded shortly before 11 a.m. local time (6 a.m. ET) on a Saturday morning, right in the Chiswick area of west London. It was in this region that search efforts had been diligently refocused earlier that very day.

No ‘confirmed sightings’ of ‘resourceful’ escaped terror suspect Daniel Khalife

The police expressed their heartfelt gratitude, stating, “We would like to thank the public and media for their unwavering support throughout our investigation to locate Khalife, and we promise to share further updates on his arrest in due course.”

The dramatic escape of the 21-year-old terror suspect from Wandsworth Prison on that fateful Wednesday sent shockwaves through the nation. It was a wide-ranging manhunt that not only disrupted flight schedules but also triggered heightened security checks at various British ports.

Khalife, a former soldier within the British military, had been in prison, awaiting trial on terror-related charges related to the alleged placement of fake bombs at a military base. These grave allegations were reported by the UK’s PA Media news agency. Khalife, however, vehemently denied all three charges against him.

His escape from the prison had all the elements of a Hollywood thriller. Khalife ingeniously strapped himself to the underside of a delivery van, disguising himself as a chef. When the police eventually located the truck, two miles to the east of the prison, Khalife had vanished, leaving behind only the makeshift straps that officers discovered under the vehicle.

London, Capture, Terror Suspect,
London’s Metropolitan Police arrested Daniel Khalife on Sunday following a three-day manhunt.

This audacious escape put the spotlight squarely on the prison service and the government, prompting criticism from various quarters. In response to the public outcry, an independent investigation into the incident has been launched.

As this unfolding saga continues to develop, we’ll be keeping a close eye on it for further updates.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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