October 31, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Kamala Harris dismisses worries about Biden’s age, emphasizing that he is ‘very much alive’

Kamala Harris,

Kamala Harris Addresses Concerns About President Joe Biden’s Age and Electability

Vice President Kamala Harris recently addressed concerns surrounding President Joe Biden’s age during a candid interview with 60 Minutes’ Bill Whitaker. This in-depth conversation provided valuable insights into Harris’s perspective on the matter and her unwavering focus on her role as Vice President, regardless of the hypothetical scenarios being presented.

At 59 years old, Harris is no stranger to the scrutiny that comes with the high office she holds. The interview, which aired on Sunday, saw Whitaker raising a question that has been circulating among donors and political observers – what if President Biden, now 80, were unable to seek reelection due to his age?

Harris responded with poise, stating, “Well, first of all, I’m not gonna engage in that hypothetical because Joe Biden is very much alive and running for reelection.” This firm but measured response highlights her commitment to maintaining her focus on the tasks at hand.

When pressed further by Whitaker, Harris reiterated her stance, emphasizing that she doesn’t pay attention to speculative scenarios. “I hear from a lot of different people about a lot of different things. But let me just tell you, I’m focused on the job. I truly am,” she affirmed.

Harris’s dedication to the role of Vice President is evident, and she emphasized the gravity of the responsibilities at hand, saying, “Our democracy is on the line, Bill. And I frankly, in my head, do not have time for parlor games when we have a President who is running for reelection. That’s it.”

The interview also delved into the broader political landscape, with Whitaker bringing up former President Donald Trump’s performance in campaign polls. Recent polls suggest a potentially tight race between Biden and Trump in the upcoming 2024 election.

Harris, undeterred by the prospect of a competitive race, asserted, “When the American people are able to take a close look at their options at election time, I think the choice is going to be clear. Bill, we’re going to win.” She exuded confidence in the outcome, acknowledging that it may not be an easy path but remained resolute, “Let me just tell you that. We’re going to win.”

Concerns about President Biden’s age have been a topic of discussion, and the potential impact on the electability of his running mate, Kamala Harris, is undeniable. Biden, who announced his bid for reelection in April, has acknowledged these concerns and welcomed the scrutiny.

“I think it’s a legitimate thing to be concerned about anyone’s age, including mine. I think that’s totally legitimate,” Biden acknowledged in an interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart in October 2022. “I think the best way to make the judgment is to watch me. Am I slowing up? Am I going at the same pace?”

The question of Biden’s age has not only cast a spotlight on his capacity but also on the electability of Kamala Harris, who made history as the first female Vice President in U.S. history. Harris has navigated through her tenure with notable moments, including challenges such as high-profile staff turnover and criticism from Republicans regarding her handling of the migrant crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

In the face of these challenges, President Biden has been a staunch defender of Harris, emphasizing her contributions to the administration. During an interview with MSNBC in May, he stated, “She [Harris] hasn’t gotten the credit that she deserves.” This support from the President underscores the value Harris brings to the administration and her role as Vice President.

The 2024 election is on the horizon, and with the complex landscape of domestic and international issues, electability remains a central concern. From addressing domestic concerns such as gun violence to managing international challenges like the Israel-Ukraine conflict, the stakes are high.

The Presidential Advisory Board has its hands full, dealing with intractable problems that require careful navigation. The ongoing conflict in the Middle East, with issues surrounding Hamas and the Palestinian people, remains a razor’s edge situation that demands skillful diplomacy and a commitment to finding a path towards relief and resolution.

In this multifaceted environment, Vice President Kamala Harris’s unwavering focus on her role, despite concerns about President Biden’s age, is emblematic of her commitment to public service and the responsibilities that come with her office. The 60 Minutes interview offered a glimpse into her perspective and her determination to deliver on the promises of the administration.

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While concerns about President Biden’s age persist, Harris’s confidence in their electability and her dedication to the job at hand reflect a resolute commitment to the American people and their democratic choices. As the 2024 election approaches, the political landscape will undoubtedly continue to evolve, and Harris’s role as Vice President will be closely watched by both her supporters and critics.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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