October 31, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Israeli airstrike: 100 killed in Jabalia camp, saya health ministry

Palestinian officials claim that six US-made bombs led to a ‘massacre’ by targeting residential homes.

Jabalia camp, Gaza, air strike,
Palestinians search for casualties at the site of Israeli strikes on houses in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip on 31 October 2023 (Reuters)

Israeli Airstrike Devastates Jabalia Camp, Claiming Dozens of Lives

In a devastating turn of events, an Israeli air strike has left the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza reeling, with Palestinian officials reporting a staggering death toll. The strike, which occurred on Tuesday, claimed the lives of at least 100 Palestinians, as per reports from Palestinian sources speaking to Al-Jazeera Arabic. The Indonesian Hospital confirmed 50 fatalities, while the health ministry put the death toll at 100. Shockingly, the Palestinian interior ministry revealed a total of 400 dead and wounded, emphasizing the extent of the tragedy. The strike obliterated an entire residential complex, reducing homes where hundreds of citizens resided to ruins. The scale of this destruction is a heartbreaking testament to the ongoing conflict in the region.

The interior ministry spokesperson, Iyad al-Bazum, expressed the deep anguish and outrage of the Palestinian people, condemning the Israeli aggression that led to this appalling massacre. He highlighted the ruthless nature of the attack, revealing that six US-made bombs were used to destroy the district. This incident adds to the grim list of casualties resulting from Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. Al-Bazum’s plea echoed the sentiments of many, calling on the international community to urgently intervene, urging swift action to halt Israel’s devastating assaults before more lives are tragically lost.

Heart-wrenching footage from the camp vividly captures the aftermath of the airstrike, showing buildings flattened to the ground and frantic Palestinian residents desperately carrying wounded children away from the scene. The devastation is so extensive that rescue efforts are expected to span weeks, with civil defence teams working tirelessly to extract survivors from the rubble. Families caught unaware in their homes during the bombing now face the grim reality of loss and displacement.

This horrifying incident adds to the already staggering death toll in the region. Since October 7, a relentless series of Israeli bombardments has claimed the lives of at least 8,500 Palestinians. This wave of violence followed a surprise assault by Hamas, during which 1,400 Israelis lost their lives, and 240 were taken captive. The Palestinian casualties include a devastating count of 3,542 children and 2,187 women, according to the health ministry. Additionally, approximately 2,000 people remain missing, with the majority feared dead and buried under the debris. Over 21,543 individuals have suffered injuries of varying severity, underscoring the magnitude of the health crisis gripping the region.

Jabalia camp, the site of this recent tragedy, is the largest among the eight refugee camps in the besieged Gaza Strip. Officially registered with UNRWA, the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, the camp shelters over 116,000 people. Established in 1948 following the Nakba, which forcibly displaced 750,000 Palestinians to make way for the state of Israel, Jabalia camp stands as a somber reminder of historical injustices. This densely populated 1.4 square-kilometer area hosts 32 UNRWA installations, 26 schools, and two health centers, serving as a lifeline for its residents.

Before the recent onslaught, Jabalia camp was already grappling with dire challenges. The 16-year blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip had led to electricity cuts and contaminated water supply, compounding the daily struggles of the residents. Now, this community faces an even graver crisis, as their homes lay in ruins and their lives shattered by the relentless bombardment.

The ongoing conflict in the region, marked by airstrikes, ground troops, and military operations, continues to exact an unbearable toll on civilian lives. The international community must heed the urgent calls for intervention, ensuring the protection of innocent lives and working towards a lasting resolution in the Israel-Palestine war. Time is of the essence; decisive action is needed to prevent further loss and suffering in this protracted and devastating conflict that has scarred the Middle East for far too long.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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