September 4, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Man awakens on the side of the road in Evansville following a robbery

Man wakes up on side of road after robbery in Evansville

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, a bizarre incident unfolded in Evansville that has left both residents and the local police scratching their heads.

Here’s the lowdown on the peculiar robbery that recently took place on Broadway Avenue.

So, picture this: it’s just after midnight, and an Evansville man found himself in a rather unusual predicament. Let’s call him our “Man of Mystery.” He was outside his home, minding his own business, when he struck up an unexpected conversation with a total stranger. Yep, he made a “quick friend” out of the blue.

In a classic display of southern hospitality, our Man of Mystery invited this newfound companion into his home for a friendly chat over some drinks. The keyword here is “Alcohol.” They were just two folks looking to enjoy a late-night chat, or so it seemed.

However, things quickly took a surreal turn. Our Man of Mystery’s recollection becomes a little hazy after that. According to the police report, he woke up in a rather peculiar spot – the side of the road at the intersection of Boeke and Washington Avenue, a solid four hours later. The keyword here is “Woken up.”

Now, here’s where it gets even stranger. Our Man of Mystery was no longer on Broadway Avenue; he had been mysteriously transported to the east side of Evansville. That’s a considerable distance to cover in the blink of an eye. The keyword here is “East side of Evansville.”

As you can imagine, this sudden change of scenery wasn’t the only thing that had our Man of Mystery befuddled. Upon regaining consciousness, he made a distressing discovery – his phone had vanished into thin air, and there was a noticeable absence of cash in his wallet. Yep, you guessed it, “Phone” and “Cash” have gone missing.

With determination in his stride, our resilient Man of Mystery managed to make his way to a friend’s house. From there, he secured a ride back home and immediately dialed 911. He wasn’t about to let this strange set of events go unanswered.

As if this wasn’t already enough to boggle one’s mind, our Man of Mystery couldn’t help but notice the injuries on his face and head. He reckoned he might have blacked out or even been knocked unconscious during the ordeal. “Blacked out” and “Knocked unconscious” indeed sum up the situation pretty well.

When the police got involved, they had their work cut out for them. It’s no small matter – they estimate that more than $3,000 worth of items had been pilfered during this enigmatic robbery. The investigation is still ongoing, and the authorities are determined to uncover the truth behind this bewildering incident.

So, there you have it – a story straight out of the Twilight Zone, right here in Evansville. The Man, the Side of the Road, the Robbery, the Police Investigation, Broadway Avenue, the Quick Friend, the Alcohol, the Waking Up, the East Side of Evansville, the Missing Phone, the Vanished Cash, the Blackout, the Knockout, and the Injuries all combine to create a truly head-scratching tale. Stay tuned for updates on this baffling case as the investigation continues!

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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