September 30, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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30-Year-Old Murder Mystery Finally Solved Thanks to DNA Match

Murder Mystery, Roslin Kruse,
Photo by: Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office

DNA Match Solves 30-Year-Old Murder Mystery: Michael Rizzo Identified as Perpetrator in Roslin Kruse’s Death

In a remarkable turn of events, a three-decade-old murder case has finally been resolved, thanks to modern forensic technology. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office announced on Friday that they had cracked the case of Roslin Kruse’s murder, which occurred on November 1, 1993. The breakthrough came after deputies successfully matched a DNA sample, leading them to identify Michael Rizzo as the perpetrator.

On that fateful day in 1993, 23-year-old Roslin Kruse was last seen alive at 13102 Mike Drive in Tampa. Later that same day, her lifeless body was discovered on the east shoulder of East Bay Road in Gibsonton, just south of Symmes Road. An autopsy report confirmed that Kruse had been strangled, leaving the community in shock and her family in anguish.

During the initial investigation, detectives observed Kruse entering a vehicle with an unknown individual. Following their instincts, they traced the vehicle to a residence on Mike Drive, where Kruse and the person she was with had entered. However, at that point, no concrete evidence of a crime had surfaced.

Suspicion naturally fell on Michael Rizzo, who lived a mere 0.4 miles away from the location where Kruse’s lifeless body was discovered. Rizzo claimed to have picked up Kruse on the day of her murder but insisted she was alive when he dropped her off. In an attempt to shed light on the truth, Rizzo underwent a polygraph examination. Unfortunately for him, the results of the polygraph indicated deception in his responses. Adding to the complexity of the case, Rizzo’s wife and girlfriend provided conflicting accounts, deepening the intrigue surrounding him.

Key pieces of evidence, including a DNA sample found on Kruse’s body, were meticulously collected and stored in a database, awaiting the day when advances in forensic science might breathe new life into the investigation.

In a significant turn of events in November 2021, investigators decided to request a DNA swab from Rizzo’s biological daughter. She willingly provided the sample to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, and it was this crucial piece of evidence that would ultimately unravel the mystery. Deputies were able to connect the DNA sample recovered from Kruse’s body to the sample provided by Rizzo’s daughter.

HCSO officials then met with Kruse’s relatives in Ponte Vedra to deliver the long-awaited news of their findings. Tragically, Michael Rizzo had already passed away on March 1, 2011, in Orange County, leaving behind unanswered questions for Kruse’s grieving family.

With this breakthrough, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office has officially closed the case, confidently asserting that Michael Rizzo was indeed responsible for the tragic death of Roslin Kruse. This momentous development brings closure to a cold case that has haunted the community for three long decades. The power of DNA technology has once again shown its ability to bring justice and peace to those affected by unsolved crimes, even 30 years later.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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