August 26, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Bella Hadid, a supermodel, was referred to by a far-right, pro-settler minister as “Israel hater.”

Bella Hadid
The Palestinian-American supermodel Bella Hadid said: ‘In no place, no time, especially in 2023 should one life be more valuable than another’s.’ Photograph: Julien de Rosa/AFP/Getty Images

The recent exchange between Palestinian American supermodel Bella Hadid and far-right Israeli national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has sparked intense debate over the rights and dynamics in the occupied territories.

Ben-Gvir’s assertion that Jewish settlers enjoy greater rights than Palestinians in these regions prompted widespread criticism, with even the US State Department condemning his comments as “inflammatory” and “racist rhetoric.”

In an Israeli television appearance, Ben-Gvir argued that the freedom of movement for settlers in the West Bank takes precedence over the rights of Palestinians. These remarks came in the wake of deadly incidents involving both Israeli settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank, an area referred to as Judea and Samaria by Israelis.

Bella Hadid, known for her activism on Palestinian rights, responded to Ben-Gvir’s comments with a powerful Instagram post. Sharing a clip of his statement, she voiced her strong disagreement, emphasizing that no life should be considered more valuable based on ethnicity, culture, or hatred. Hadid, along with her sister Gigi, wields significant influence on social media, reaching millions with their perspectives.

To amplify her message, Hadid also shared a video by the Israeli civil rights group B’Tselem, revealing the restrictions imposed on Palestinians in segregated areas like Hebron. The implications were clear, and she challenged her followers to recognize the parallels to historical injustices.

In response, Ben-Gvir took to social media, refusing to apologize and standing by his words. He labeled Hadid an “Israel hater” and accused her of manipulating his statements to portray him negatively. He extended an invitation to Hadid to visit Kiryat Arba, a settlement near Hebron, in an attempt to showcase the security challenges faced by Jews living there.

Ben-Gvir’s history and political stance have been subject to scrutiny. Having been associated with the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, his convictions for inciting racism and supporting terrorism have fueled accusations of fostering “Jewish supremacy” in the occupied territories. He was also previously known for displaying a portrait of Baruch Goldstein, an American Jewish extremist responsible for a deadly attack on Palestinians in 1994.

In the aftermath of the controversy, Ben-Gvir attempted to clarify his statements, suggesting that he was referring to the rights of individuals involved in violence. Nonetheless, his comments underscored a broader effort by certain far-right ministers in Israel to expand Jewish settlements in the West Bank, potentially paving the way for annexation.

The exchange between Bella Hadid and Itamar Ben-Gvir showcases the power of social media as a platform for activism and discourse. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, complex and multifaceted, continues to generate passionate responses from public figures like Hadid. As the conversation unfolds, it remains crucial to engage with these perspectives to foster understanding and work towards a just resolution for all parties involved.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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