September 12, 2023

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American caver rescued safely after trapped in Turkey cave

American researcher rescued after getting trapped in Turkey cave

A Tale of Survival Story from Turkey Cave

An American caver, Mark Dickey, recently found himself in a harrowing situation deep beneath the earth’s surface, but thanks to the heroic efforts of emergency workers in southern Turkey, he’s now safely back above ground, grinning from ear to ear.

It all began when Dickey embarked on a cave expedition near Anamur, a picturesque region in southern Turkey. Little did he know that this adventure would take an unexpected turn, leaving him stranded hundreds of meters underground. But as they say, every cloud has a silver lining, and in this case, the silver lining was a team of dedicated rescuers.

Recep Salci, a spokesperson from Turkey’s disaster and emergency management authority (AFAD), shared the heartwarming news of Mark’s rescue. He reported, “Mark Dickey is out in the hands of a rescue worker. He seems fine at first look. He will take a chopper to Mersin hospital.” As footage emerged of Mark being stretchered out of the cave, his grin told the world just how relieved and grateful he was.

Speaking near the cave entrance at a medical tent, Mark expressed his overwhelming relief at being back on the surface. “It’s amazing to be above ground again,” he said, echoing the sentiments of anyone who has faced a similar ordeal.

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American caver Mark Dickey, 40, had been trapped inside the Morca Sinkhole in southern Turkey./CNN

Mark didn’t miss the chance to extend his heartfelt thanks to his rescuers and the Turkish government, whom he credited with saving his life “literally no questions asked.” He went on to explain that he had been underground for much longer than anticipated due to an unexpected medical issue.

The Turkish Caving Federation revealed that Mark had been grappling with suspected gastrointestinal bleeding while exploring the Morca Sinkhole, a daunting 1,276-meter-deep (4,186 feet) cave located in Morca Valley. The situation took a critical turn when he began experiencing severe gastric pain, prompting an urgent call for help to the European Cave Rescue Association (ECRA) on September 2.

What followed was nothing short of an international rescue operation involving over 200 aid workers from different countries, including the United States, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, and, of course, Turkey. The plan was to divide the cave into seven parts, with each rescue team taking responsibility at various depths. It was a challenging mission that required meticulous planning and coordination.

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Members of Italian Alpine Rescue, picutred on Thursday, take part in an emergency operation to save Dickey./CNN

The dedicated rescue teams gradually moved Mark to a shallower depth, 180 meters (590 feet) below the surface, before finally bringing him out of the cave. It was a race against time, but their unwavering determination paid off.

Throughout the rescue operation, there was a doctor inside the cave with Mark, maintaining vital communication with the rescue team through an established communications line. This lifeline ensured that they could monitor Mark’s condition and respond promptly to any medical needs.

On Monday, the Turkish Caving Federation provided an update, stating that Mark’s rescue was on track to be completed “tonight or tomorrow.” Fortunately, everything went according to plan, and Mark was successfully brought out of the cave at 12:37 am local time.

In a celebratory tweet, the federation declared, “Thus, the cave rescue part of the operation has ended successfully. We congratulate all those who have contributed.” It was a momentous achievement that showcased the power of international cooperation and the unwavering dedication of emergency workers.

Mark Dickey’s passion for caving runs deep. He’s not just an adventurer but also an instructor with the National Cave Rescue Commission, where he has dedicated a decade to this noble cause. Additionally, he serves as a medical commission secretary at the European Cave Rescue Association and holds the position of executive director at the Caving Academy, a non-profit organization founded by him.

Mark’s journey into the world of caving began in the 1990s, and since then, he has explored caves in 20 different states across the United States and ventured into the depths of 10 different countries. His story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the indomitable will to explore the unknown, even in the face of adversity.

In the end, Mark’s remarkable rescue is a heartwarming reminder that when challenges arise, people from different corners of the world can come together to save a life. It’s a story of hope, cooperation, and the triumph of the human spirit over the depths of darkness.

By: M Z Hossain, Digital Jpurnalist

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