November 10, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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Al Shifa Hospital Shaken by Powerful Blast in Gaza

Footage Reveals Attack on Al Shifa Hospital

Videos verified by The Times showed what appeared to be a projectile flying into Gaza’s Al Shifa hospital courtyard and striking an area where displaced Gazans were resting overnight.

Escalation of Violence: Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza Targeted amid Intensifying Conflict

In the early hours of Friday morning, as the conflict between Israel and Hamas escalated within Gaza City, at least one explosion shook the Al Shifa complex, Gaza’s largest hospital. The Gaza health ministry reported one fatality and several injuries resulting from the blast.

Verified videos obtained by The Times depicted a projectile entering the hospital’s courtyard, hitting an area where displaced Gazans sought refuge overnight. The footage captured the immediate screams of people, with one man shown on the ground in apparent pain, his leg visibly injured.

Details surrounding the incident remain unclear, including the number of strikes and the extent of the damage. Ashraf al-Qidra, the spokesperson for the Gaza health ministry, attributed the explosion to an Israeli airstrike, specifically targeting the hospital’s obstetrics ward. The Israeli military has not commented on these claims, leaving the source of the blast and the extent of damage unresolved.

Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza,
The number of deaths in Gaza from Israle’s military campaign might be “even higher than are being cited”, a senior Biden administration official told Congress on Wednesday.

Dr. Al-Qidra further alleged that Israeli tanks had surrounded two other hospitals, Rantisi Hospital and Al-Nasr Hospital, potentially trapping numerous displaced Gazans and patients inside. Yet, verification of this information was not immediately possible.

Throughout the conflict, Israel has targeted over 14,000 locations in the Gaza Strip, a figure unparalleled in previous engagements with Hamas. The Israeli military contends that Al Shifa serves as cover for a Hamas military compound, with accusations that the group uses different hospital departments for its command and control. Hamas denies these allegations.

Amid the ongoing war, doctors at Al Shifa confront dire conditions. The hospital treats an increasing number of patients while facing shortages of medical supplies and fuel necessary for its operations.

Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza
On Thursday night in one of the largest action in New York city.

Eyewitness Motasem Mortaja described the blast occurring meters away from him. He reported a separate explosion hitting other clinics within the Shifa medical complex later on Friday morning.

Despite Israeli orders to evacuate to the southern enclave, many Gazans, including women and minors, have remained in the embattled north. Seeking safety, they take refuge in hospitals like Al Shifa and schools. However, by Friday morning, a significant number had fled.

The conflict has sparked concerns globally, with the United Nations closely monitoring the situation. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has addressed the escalating violence, emphasizing the need for a diplomatic resolution.

As the conflict unfolds, Al Shifa Hospital stands as a symbol of the challenges faced by health officials amid displacement and the targeting of medical facilities. The impact on civilians, particularly those seeking refuge in hospitals, raises urgent humanitarian concerns.

Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza,
In Tel Aviv on Thursday, Israeli policeman detained demonstrator participating in a vigil against the earlier arrest of some of the leaders of the Arab-Israeli community.

The Lancet, a reputable medical journal, has voiced concerns about the potential long-term consequences of the conflict on the health and well-being of the population. The situation also draws parallels with other conflict zones, such as those in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq, highlighting the broader regional implications of the conflict.

As the international community grapples with finding a path to peace, the situation remains dynamic, with ongoing airstrikes, ground troop movements, and the plight of civilians caught in the crossfire. The security responsibility in the region continues to be a matter of global concern, underscoring the need for a comprehensive and sustainable resolution to the conflict.

The hostilities between Israel and Hamas have not only led to the displacement of thousands but have also raised questions about the protection of civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and medical facilities. The targeting of Al Shifa Hospital adds to the complexity of the situation, emphasizing the broader impact on the civilian population and the challenges faced by health professionals amid the chaos.

In the midst of this conflict, reports emerge of hostages being taken, further complicating the humanitarian crisis. The evolving situation demands swift and effective international intervention to ensure the safety and well-being of those affected by the violence.

As the world watches the developments in Gaza, the conflict serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for diplomatic solutions and international cooperation to bring an end to the hostilities and alleviate the suffering of civilians caught in the crossfire. The repercussions of the conflict extend beyond the borders of Gaza, affecting neighboring regions and amplifying the need for a concerted effort to address the root causes of the violence and work towards a lasting and sustainable peace.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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