September 3, 2023

Sky Buzz Feed

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How The Air Force Academy Makes 10,000 Meals A Day For 4,000 Cadets!

Air Force Academy,Meals,Cadet,

The U.S. Air Force Academy, nestled near Colorado Springs, Colorado, houses a dining facility like no other – Mitchell Hall.

With an annual budget of $20 million, it’s responsible for feeding around 4,000 Air Force Cadets three meals a day, seven days a week. This article takes you behind the scenes to uncover the intricate process of preparing over 10,000 meals daily and the unique challenges that come with serving these young men and women in uniform.

The Immense Scale of Mitchell Hall:

Mitchell Hall spans an astonishing 225,000 square feet, making it one of the largest dining facilities in the military. It accommodates cadets Family Style at 430 tables, serving approximately 1,300 pounds of food per table for lunch alone. However, feeding Air Force Cadets isn’t your typical college cafeteria experience – their energy needs are much higher, with daily calorie counts often exceeding 4,700 for men and 3,000 for women.

The Cadet Wings Recognition Dinner:

Air Force Academy,Meals,Cadet,

One of the most special events at Mitchell Hall is the Cadet Wings Recognition Dinner. This three-day celebration marks the culmination of rigorous tests that freshman cadets undergo to prove their mental and physical stamina. To commemorate their success, the staff prepares an extravagant feast, including 4,000 steaks, 1,600 pounds of tortellini, and 788 pounds of orange-glazed carrots.

The Prep Work:

The meticulous planning for such an event starts months in advance. The menu is carefully selected and adjusted to cater to specific occasions. For instance, holiday meals require special preparations. This proactive approach ensures that everything runs smoothly on the big day.

Preparing the Steaks:

Five hours before dinner, the steaks start their journey. They’re seasoned, cooked, and stored in hot carts to keep them warm until it’s time to serve. It’s an assembly line process, ensuring that each steak is cooked to perfection.

Creating Mitch’s Mountains:

As dessert is a crucial part of the celebration, the staff prepares a special treat known as Mitch’s Mountains. These dessert mountains consist of pound cake, ice cream, whipped cream, cherries, and American flags, symbolizing the pride in their country.

The Transition to Breakfast:

After the grand recognition dinner, the staff doesn’t have much time to rest. They’re back at it early in the morning, preparing breakfast for 1,500 cadets. This meal includes scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns.

Challenges Amidst a Staffing Shortage:

The kitchen, like many others, is grappling with a staffing shortage brought on by the pandemic. Despite the challenges, the team works diligently to ensure that they can serve nutritious food efficiently. This includes using pre-made convenience items like boil-in-bag mashed potatoes and mac and cheese to save time.

Lunch for 4,000 Cadets:

Lunch is a crucial meal for cadets, requiring the preparation of 5,400 burger patties and 1,700 pounds of waffle fries. Unlike traditional colleges, Mitchell Hall offers limited options, but it’s the sheer scale and adherence to military nutrition standards that set it apart.

The Rush of Lunch Service:

With all 4,000 cadets required to dine in, lunch service is a whirlwind. Cadets have just 20 minutes to eat, with classes and military training filling their schedules. The menu typically includes a lean protein option and a vegetarian option.

Burger Patties and Fries:

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Prepping 4,000 burger patties takes approximately four hours. After heating the pre-cooked patties in the oven, they’re ready to be served. Simultaneously, waffle fries are fried in the industrial-sized fryer.

The Importance of Planning:

Apart from sheer hard work, meticulous planning is the key to success. Meals are planned weeks in advance, and food is stored in a 20,000 square-foot warehouse within the facility. This ensures that they can meet the cadets’ nutritional needs seamlessly.

Meeting Nutritional Demands:

Air Force Academy cadets require up to 4,700 calories a day for men and 3,000 for women due to their rigorous training. Mitchell Hall provides up to 5,000 calories daily, including nutritious and indulgent options, to fuel their physical and academic endeavors.


Feeding 4,000 Air Force Cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Mitchell Hall is no small feat. With meticulous planning, a dedicated team, and a commitment to meeting their nutritional needs, this facility ensures that cadets have the energy to excel both physically and academically. The Cadet Wings Recognition Dinner, in particular, stands as a testament to the extraordinary effort and care that goes into every meal, marking a special moment in the lives of these young men and women on their journey to becoming leaders of the U.S. Air Force.

By: M Z Hossain, Editor Sky Buzz Feed

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